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Home » Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

June 27, 2024
Above All Insurance

Under What Circumstances Should I File an Auto Insurance Claim?

Filing an auto insurance claim can impact your future premiums. Knowing when to file a claim and understanding the process can help you navigate the aftermath of an accident or incident effectively. Depending on your auto insurance coverage, you may be able to file a claim for damage to your vehicle, even if it happened […]
March 26, 2024
Above All Insurance

What Happens to My Comprehensive and Collision Insurance Premium as My Car Loses Value? 

Comprehensive and collision insurance provide essential financial protection for drivers, covering damages to their vehicles in various scenarios, including accidents, theft and vandalism. However, as the value of our cars diminishes over time, it’s natural to wonder what happens to our insurance premiums. From the moment they’re driven off the lot, cars begin to lose […]
June 14, 2023
Above All Insurance

How to Be a Safe Motorist on the Road

According to the most recent estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), traffic fatalities increased 10.5% from 2020 to 2021. An estimated 42,915 people lost their lives in a motor vehicle accident in 2021—a 16-year high. What’s more, motorcyclist fatalities increased 9% in this same time period. Being a safe motorist on the […]

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