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January 9, 2018

Creating Achievable Business Goals

Creating Achievable Business Goals Whether it’s a new year, new quarter or new month, business goals probably come to mind. Maybe you’re crushing them; maybe not. If you find yourself in the later group, here’s a way to help you make goals that you can achieve. Specific: Your goal needs to be specific. Don’t just […]
January 4, 2018

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer During Deer Season

How to Avoid Hitting a Deer During Deer Season Hitting a deer is a costly and even life-threatening incident. It can happen to anyone. It can happen if you drive slowly or fast. Even in areas that are not full of woods, deer can be present. Preventing striking a deer with your car is critical. […]
January 2, 2018

Will Home Insurance Cover a Broken TV?

Will Home Insurance Cover a Broken TV? A broken television can be a large loss for some homeowners. Many of today’s larger TVs cost hundreds of dollars or more. When an accident occurs and that TV hits the floor, you may be a bit worried about the loss. In some situations, your home insurance can […]
December 28, 2017

What Is Reputation Damage Coverage?

What Is Reputation Damage Coverage? The success of a business depends, in part, on its reputation. If the brand develops a poor reputation, obtaining new customers is difficult. Some instances can damage that reputation. When a crisis occurs, for example, reputation damage can be painful for the company. Reputation insurance minimizes this. Many business insurance […]
December 26, 2017

The Benefits of Having High Auto Insurance Deductibles

The Benefits of Having High Auto Insurance Deductibles Auto insurance costs differ from one person to the next. One of the reasons is often the deductible. This is the amount paid prior to the insurer funding the rest of the insurance claim. Choosing the right deductible amount is important. It impacts how much you’ll pay […]
December 21, 2017

Will Home Insurance Pay for Smoke Damage from a Fireplace Accident?

Will Home Insurance Pay for Smoke Damage from a Fireplace Accident? Home insurance policies differ significantly from one another. In many situations, they will provide coverage for smoke damage. However, this depends on a variety of factors. The individual circumstances of the situation play the biggest role here. Homeowners need to take a closer look […]
December 19, 2017

The Impact of Climate Change on Business Insurance

The Impact of Climate Change on Business Insurance Some people think natural cycles cause climate change. Others argue that human action warmed the planet. The Insurance Information Institute (III) says the reasons may not matter to insurers. Business insurance companies care about managing risks. They need to predict future claims. The impact of climate change […]
December 14, 2017

Should You Keep Full Car Insurance Coverage?

Should You Keep Full Car Insurance Coverage? Do you still have an auto loan? Lenders almost always ask for full car insurance coverage. However, have you paid off your loan? You may think about dropping parts of your coverage like collision and comprehensive insurance. If you only keep liability coverage, you might reduce your auto […]
December 12, 2017

Does Business Insurance Cover Copyright Infringement?

Does Business Insurance Cover Copyright Infringement? Every business has the right to protect their copyrights and trademarks. Sometimes, mistakes happen. If your company is facing a claim of infringement, you must take action. Let your business insurance agent know. In some cases, your liability insurance will help to cover the losses associated with these claims. […]
December 7, 2017

Insuring Smart Home Technology: Is Your Contents Coverage Enough?

Insuring Smart Home Technology: Is Your Contents Coverage Enough? Homes can do so much more today than ever before. Not only do they provide a safe place to live, but they interact with people. Smart technology is providing many benefits for homeowners nowadays. It can control home security and energy systems. It can control lighting. […]

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